QAD is proud of its students who participated in representing Qatar as part of the National Pavilion of Qatar at SPIEF 2021

QAD is proud of its students who participated in representing Qatar as part of the National Pavilion of Qatar at SPIEF 2021

1204 days ago

QAD is proud of its students who participated in representing Qatar as part of the National Pavilion of Qatar at SPIEF 2021

Seven of our Senior School students were joined by three students from other QF schools to attend the Junior SPIEF Conference as part of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). The students flew to St. Petersburg, Russia and attended the conference from 3rd to 6th June. The students were selected on the basis of special projects which they had produced during the current academic year. They discussed a variety of topics in the conference with students from Russia and other countries. It was a great honour for our students to represent Qatar, QF and QAD and they excelled in the role.