
QAD High School trips

2020 days ago

Nine students of Grade 11 went on a planned trip to Nepal as a part of the community service program.   Our students worked with the students at the Derali Primary School to improve their English language skills and provide them with learning strategies for the future. They also taught them mathematics, Geography & other subjects. Besides academics they had fun with the students teaching them art and craft and many other fun activities. This trip helped to promote and solidify the core goals of the Community Service Program in IB programme, where the students were intellectually and emotionally committed, values, empathy, charity, leadership and tolerance.

During the same week, 34 QAD students were accompanied by 6 teachers on an adventurous Ski trip to Verbier, Switzerland. Besides having fun, students gained social, self-management and team building skills in order to become a lifelong learner. In addition to this, learnt a new sport, which added to their self-confidence and kept their adventurous nature alive. Throughout the week, students showed utmost excitement and enthusiasm. The evening activities such as sledging, ice skating and indoor winter Olympics caught their interest too.